Zoe Tran
Support & Business Intelligence Manager at
 Yellow Pencil
BI Analyst
BI Consultant
BI Developer
Business Analyst
Data Analyst
Project Manager
Information Technology
A/B Testing
Customer Lifecycle
Customer Segmentation
Database and Data Warehouse
Digital Analytics
ETL/ELT Concepts
Lifetime Value Prediction
Power BI
Sales Analytics
Interested in connecting with this mentor?

Zoe Tran is a seasoned mentor with a multifaceted career spanning roles in research, data analysis, learning & development, and project management. With a robust background that bridges business acumen with technical expertise, Zoe brings a wealth of knowledge to her mentoring relationships. Zoe’s career has seen her navigate diverse industries including education, digital marketing, and agency services, where she leverages her insights to guide and support professionals in achieving their career goals. Zoe holds a master’s degree in public policy, further enriching her ability to analyze complex issues and devise strategic solutions. With a passion for continuous learning and a commitment to nurturing talent, Zoe is dedicated to empowering others to excel in their respective fields.

Career Positioning

Find your sweet spot where passion, talent and money converge, start with a role in an industry

Resume Building

Recommend bullets based on role and industry for 4 blocks (summary + skills + projects + experience)

Portfolio Building

A collection of 3-6 projects, each has 5 blocks (overview + objective + KPIs + data model + dashboard)

Job Searching & Analysis

Find the right number of quality jobs matching your search, and save them into the job tracker

Interview Scripting

Predict the right questions and design the conversation with compelling stories

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