Huy Bach Pham
Data Scientist at
 Canaccede Financial Group
Data Scientist
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Bach Pham has a Master’s degree in Geosciences and had previously worked as an Environmental Scientist for 3 years. Afterwards, he decided to pivot his career to Data Science/Analytics because he found his passion in the field and the values it brings to businesses. With the help of WeCareer, he made a successful transition to a Data Scientist role at Canaccede Financial Group, a receivables service company that leverages technology and data analytics for its innovation and value proposition. In this role, Bach has developed statistical models to help make better forecasts, improve bidding competitiveness of investment, and enhance the efficiency of operational processes as well as reducing operational costs. Bach is passionate about sharing his career switching experience and finds joy in helping others making successful career transitions.

Career Positioning

Find your sweet spot where passion, talent and money converge, start with a role in an industry

Testing & Certification

Practice live coding with laser focus, keep warm on visualization and storytelling

Resume Building

Recommend bullets based on role and industry for 4 blocks (summary + skills + projects + experience)

Portfolio Building

A collection of 3-6 projects, each has 5 blocks (overview + objective + KPIs + data model + dashboard)

Job Searching & Analysis

Find the right number of quality jobs matching your search, and save them into the job tracker

Interview Scripting

Predict the right questions and design the conversation with compelling stories

Interview Practicing

Get used to the pressure through intensive mock interviews, provide actionable feedback, help mentees reach peak performance

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