Deon Dung

Book Keeper
Data Analyst
@ Canadian Tire

I started my career in Canada as a bookkeeper. However, it didn’t go quite as I expected. I realized that I needed to make a change in my career. I decided that I needed a mentor who was capable, experienced and enthusiastic to guide me through.

I had tried several methods on my own, but I was not successful until I met Eric. He talked to me and guided me to becoming a Data Analyst. Despite my background in business and accounting, he helped me to learn technical skills that are required for data analysis. In addition, Rafat, my career mentor, helped me to write a workable resume and CV. He also helped me to understand the interviewing process and how to apply for jobs.

With dedication and patience from my mentors. I learnt many useful skills in just a very short time. I was trained to be ready for a job with not only a skill set but also mentality. As a result, I applied for jobs and got my first invitation for an interview in just less than two weeks. I got a job offer from Canadian Tire in just one week after the first interview with them which was much sooner than I was expecting. I landed a job just 61 days after my mentorship began!

I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Eric, Rafat and WeCareer for helping to change my career toward a professional data analyst. My long journey has just begun, but I couldn’t ask for more than a beginning like this.

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